2024-07-27 12:21 (France) - Last update: 2024-07-26 11:52
Today: 9 offers (252 t.)
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8 offers
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17338 Offer
aluminized coil 2nd choice 23 mt BE MP Métal
17515 Offer
cold rolled slit-coil 2nd choice 13 mt BE MP Métal
17525 Offer
aluminized coil 2nd choice 6 mt BE MP Métal
17543 Offer
hot-dip galvanized coil 2nd choice 47 BE MP Métal
17562 Offer
tinplate coil 2nd choice 11 mt BE MP Métal
17582 Offer
hot-dip galvanized coil 2nd choice 13 mt FR MP Métal NEW
17596 Offer
hot-dip galvanized coil 2nd choice 19 mt BE MP Métal
17599 Offer
hot-dip galvanized coil 2nd choice 86 mt BE MP Métal NEW

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